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Monday, March 9, 2009

Something nice I have in common with my daughter.

Today I think I may actually have beat a personal record. Something to be really proud of.

As of 17:00 PST, I have cleaned up 4 catpukes that I found in various parts of the house and with varying magnitude of destruction. Today I got everything from the Completely-Liquid-Silver-Dollar-Sized-on-the-Tile easy job to the Half-Chunky-Half-Wet-Eight-Inch-CatPuke-Skidmark-on-the-Carpet that is a Royal Pain in the Balls to clean. This special gift requires the help from our trusty Bissell SpotLifter. If we didn't have this thing, our carpets would look like a literal minefield of Catpuke. Not pretty. Fortunately, this thing works like a champ. Spray the catpuke spot with the magic liquid, let it sit and vacuum the catpuke away. Then proceed to half-gag your lunch as you clean it out of the effluent reservoir. NASTY!

So as I am cleaning up the day's fourth offensive, and Suki comes along because she sees that I am about to employ the trusty Bissell SpotLifter. (She is scared as Hell of the loud noise, she hates it in fact). She jumps on the bed and buries her head in the pillows while the SpotLifter wails away.

Just as the SpotLifter wound down to a halt and revealed a clean carpet, Suki asked, "Daddy, what are you doing?"

To which I replied, "Cleaning up CatPuke."

"What is your favorite kind of CatPuke Daddy??"

"I enjoy the dry, chunky kind that is easy to clean."

Suki responded with "Oh cool. That's my favorite too!"

I am glad to see we have that in common.